Eating Disorders in Athletes
Blog, Disordered Eating Sarah Herstich Blog, Disordered Eating Sarah Herstich

Eating Disorders in Athletes

Behind the smiles of some athletes who return home decorated with Olympic medals is a struggle that has overshadowed their quest for gold.

Olympic glory has come at the cost of their physical and mental health as they struggle with disordered eating and body image. In recent memory, more have spoken out about their struggles.

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Eating Disorders and Childhood Trauma
Blog, Disordered Eating, Trauma Sarah Herstich Blog, Disordered Eating, Trauma Sarah Herstich

Eating Disorders and Childhood Trauma

Delving into the realm of eating disorders often reveals a deeper narrative shaped by childhood experiences and trauma. Many individuals on this journey toward healing uncover the profound impact of early-life adversities. Childhood trauma, whether through neglect, emotional abuse, or more overt forms of violence, leaves enduring marks on one's psyche, profoundly influencing one's relationship with food, body image, and self-esteem.

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What Percentage of People with Eating Disorders Have Trauma?
Blog, Disordered Eating Sarah Herstich Blog, Disordered Eating Sarah Herstich

What Percentage of People with Eating Disorders Have Trauma?

Understanding the link between trauma and disordered eating is crucial. Imagine trying to navigate the world while carrying the invisible weight of past wounds. For many, trauma isn't just an event; it’s a lingering ghost that understanding the link between trauma and disordered eating is crucial. Imagine trying to navigate the world while carrying the invisible weight of past wounds. For many, trauma isn't just an event; it’s a lingering ghost that haunts everyday life, making even the simplest of tasks feel insurmountable.

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Can TikTok Trigger an Eating Disorder For My Kids?
Blog, Body Image, Disordered Eating Sarah Herstich Blog, Body Image, Disordered Eating Sarah Herstich

Can TikTok Trigger an Eating Disorder For My Kids?

In today's digital landscape, platforms like TikTok have become a pervasive part of young people's lives, offering a blend of entertainment, creativity, and social interaction. Yet, alongside its benefits, concerns have emerged about how these platforms impact children and adolescents, particularly in terms of body image and eating behaviors. As parents, it's crucial to grasp the influence of social media on our children's mental health.

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