5 Places to Go When You Feel Anxious About Eating

Navigating anxiety around eating can be incredibly challenging, but finding the right environment and support can make a significant difference. This could be through in-person and online eating disorder therapy in Pennsylvania or other services. Whether you're dealing with an eating disorder or simply feeling uneasy about dining out, it's essential to find places that offer a sense of calm and support. Horsham, PA, is filled with hidden gems that provide a nurturing atmosphere for those moments when eating feels overwhelming. Here are five places to go when you feel anxious about eating, designed to help you find a bit of peace and comfort during your meals.

Grounding in Nature: Kohler Park

An image of a gazebo in a park surrounded by flowers and plants. This could represent the benefits of mindfulness and calm when navigating eating disorder recovery in Horsham, PA. Contact an eating disorder therapist in Montgomery County, PA to learn

One of the most soothing ways to manage anxiety is by grounding yourself in nature. Kohler Park offers a peaceful environment with plenty of open space, picnic tables, a pond, and a walking trail. Spending time here can help connect you to something greater than your spiraling thoughts and hypervigilance. Before your meal, take a few moments to walk around the pond, listen to the birds, and feel the grass under your feet. This connection with nature can help you feel more settled and present.

Gentle Movement: Horsham Power Line Trail

Gentle movement can be incredibly grounding, and the Horsham Power Line Trail is perfect for this. It's a serene place to take a walk and clear your mind. Walking here can help bring your level of activation down before eating. The rhythmic pace of your steps can serve as a meditative practice, allowing you to focus on your breath and the beauty around you. This trail is a wonderful way to prepare yourself mentally and physically before heading to a meal.

Dining in a Relaxed Setting: Farm and Fisherman

Sometimes the anxiety around eating can be alleviated by choosing the right restaurant. Farm and Fisherman offers a variety of foods and seasonal dishes in a relaxed setting. The atmosphere here is calm and inviting, making it a good option if you're feeling anxious about eating out. Before you go, remind yourself of your why in recovery. Each meal is a step towards healing, and being in a supportive environment can make a significant difference.

Outdoor Seating: Los Sarapes

If you're craving some fresh air while you dine, Los Sarapes is an excellent choice. Their outdoor seating area provides a comfortable space to enjoy your meal while taking in the sights and sounds of nature. Eating outside can feel less restrictive and more freeing, helping you to focus on the company you're with and what it feels like to be in connection with them. Bring your coping toolkit with you and have strategies ready for moments when you feel overwhelmed or challenged.

Community and Mindfulness: Nourishing Storm Yoga Studio

For ongoing support and mindfulness practices, consider visiting Nourishing Storm Yoga Studio. They offer yoga and meditation sessions that can help manage anxiety. Engaging in these practices can help ground you and reduce overall anxiety, making eating feel more manageable. Use the coping tools and techniques you learn here throughout your day, especially before eating experiences. Remember, grounding yourself and feeling connected to your body can create a more peaceful relationship with food.

Tips for Dealing with Eating Anxiety

Facing eating anxiety can feel daunting, but with gentle strategies, you can begin to find more peace and ease around meals. Here are some heartfelt tips to help you manage anxiety before, during, and after eating, allowing you to nurture a healthier relationship with food.

Grounding Anywhere in Nature

Before you eat, take some time to ground yourself in a natural setting. Feel the earth beneath your feet, listen to the sounds around you, and take deep breaths. This can help reduce anxiety and create a sense of calm.

Use Your Coping Tools

Whether you're in a park, on a trail, or at a restaurant, use your coping tools to help you feel more settled. This might include deep breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, or focusing on the present moment.

Focus on Connection

When dining with others, try to focus on the company you're with rather than the food itself. Engage in conversation and allow yourself to enjoy the social aspect of the meal.

Plan Ahead

Make a plan with your treatment team on how to approach dining out. Knowing what to expect and having strategies in place can make the experience less daunting.

Offer Yourself Compassion

 If you notice moments of ease around food, acknowledge them and celebrate your progress. If there are none, offer yourself compassion and understand that recovery is a journey.

Remember, it’s okay to take things one step at a time. Healing is possible, and each experience is a part of your journey toward a healthier relationship with food and your body.

Finding Support When You Feel Anxious About Eating

Here at Reclaim Therapy, we specialize in providing compassionate therapy for individuals navigating eating disorders linked with trauma. We know how challenging it can be to manage eating anxiety and find safe, comforting spaces to nourish yourself. Healing from eating disorders often involves addressing the underlying traumatic experiences that shape these struggles. Whether you’re finding solace in nature or navigating social eating situations, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today or visit our about page for more support on starting your therapy journey!

🧡, Reclaim Therapy Team

Looking for More Support or Therapy Services?

If you're seeking specialized therapy for eating disorders in Horsham, PA, our trauma-informed approach can help you find safety and healing. We're committed to supporting you on your journey to reclaiming a healthy relationship with food and your body. We also offer therapy for Complex PTSD, Trauma Therapy, Binge Eating Therapy, Body Image Counseling, and EMDR. Reach out to us today and take the first step towards a more peaceful and empowered life.


Reclaim You- Chronic Pain and Body Image with Megan Luybli


5 Tips for Eating Out in Horsham, PA: Part 2