How Influencers Affect Body Image
Blog, Body Image Sarah Herstich Blog, Body Image Sarah Herstich

How Influencers Affect Body Image

Social media influencers have emerged as influential figures in modern society, wielding considerable sway over their vast audiences. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube have provided these individuals with unprecedented reach. This allows them to shape trends and societal perceptions, particularly concerning body image and eating disorders.

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Can TikTok Trigger an Eating Disorder For My Kids?
Blog, Body Image, Disordered Eating Sarah Herstich Blog, Body Image, Disordered Eating Sarah Herstich

Can TikTok Trigger an Eating Disorder For My Kids?

In today's digital landscape, platforms like TikTok have become a pervasive part of young people's lives, offering a blend of entertainment, creativity, and social interaction. Yet, alongside its benefits, concerns have emerged about how these platforms impact children and adolescents, particularly in terms of body image and eating behaviors. As parents, it's crucial to grasp the influence of social media on our children's mental health.

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What are the Negative Effects of Social Media on Body Image?
Blog, Body Image Sarah Herstich Blog, Body Image Sarah Herstich

What are the Negative Effects of Social Media on Body Image?

In today's digital age, social media has become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives. From scrolling through Instagram feeds to watching TikTok videos, we're constantly bombarded with images and messages that shape our perceptions. While social media can be a source of inspiration and connection, it can also have a darker side, especially when it comes to body image and eating disorders.

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5 Tips for Shopping With Poor Body Image
Blog, Body Image Sarah Herstich Blog, Body Image Sarah Herstich

5 Tips for Shopping With Poor Body Image

Navigating the world of fashion can be a daunting task, especially if you're struggling with body image.

For many people, the reality is that retail stores don't have clothing options that will fit their body.

For others, even the thought of facing racks of clothing, dressing room lighting and full length mirrors is enough to scrap the idea of purchasing new clothes to begin with.

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