Navigating Boundaries After Trauma: Trauma Therapy Near Me
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Navigating Boundaries After Trauma: Trauma Therapy Near Me

In this blog post, we explore what boundaries are and why they're challenging to set after experiencing trauma. We also prove some practical tips for setting and maintaining healthy boundaries, and how a trauma therapist near you who can support you as you navigate recovery and healing.

What are boundaries?

Boundaries are guidelines, rules or expectations that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave towards them, and how they will respond when someone passes those limits.

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Experiencing Orthorexia: Treatment for Orthorexia in Pennsylvania
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

Experiencing Orthorexia: Treatment for Orthorexia in Pennsylvania

The perfectionist within remembered the ubiquitous message: “It’s important to eat healthy once you get to college”. “That’s it, that’ll do it”, I thought. Beneath the surface, “healthy eating” felt like the perfect solution to all of my struggles. It felt like just the thing that would manage, if not cure, my anxiety.

Naturally, the first class I signed up for was an introduction to nutrition. It was all a part of the plan: “start fresh, start right”. I remember viewing my first quarter schedule with pride at how much I was “taking care of myself” right off the bat.

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Reclaim You- Orthorexia: Unraveling the Obsession with Healthy Eating
Reclaim You Channel Sarah Herstich Reclaim You Channel Sarah Herstich

Reclaim You- Orthorexia: Unraveling the Obsession with Healthy Eating

Season 1: Episode 6

Have you ever found yourself obsessing over the "cleanliness" and "purity" of your food choices? You might be experiencing orthorexia - an intense fixation on healthy eating that can consume our thoughts and lives. Join Sarah and Abby, as we share about orthorexia and explore how this obsession can leave us feeling exhausted and isolated.

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Self-Care for Trauma Survivors: Tips and Strategies
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Self-Care for Trauma Survivors: Tips and Strategies

Boring self-care involves the small, everyday actions that may not seem glamorous, but can have a big impact on your overall well-being. This can include things like taking your medication as prescribed, getting enough sleep, eating often and adequately, feeling your feelings and engaging in joyful and connecting movement practices.

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EMDR Therapy in Pennsylvania: The Importance of Phases 1 and 2
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

EMDR Therapy in Pennsylvania: The Importance of Phases 1 and 2

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapeutic technique that has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of mental health conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), disordered eating, anxiety, and depression. The EMDR process involves a series of structured phases, each with its own purpose and goal.

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Hope and Healing: How Eating Disorder Therapy in Pennsylvania Can Help
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

Hope and Healing: How Eating Disorder Therapy in Pennsylvania Can Help

Do you struggle with disordered eating or body image concerns?

If so, you're certainly not alone. There are many people who live in Pennsylvania face similar challenging and exhausting thoughts and behaviors each and everyday. But, there is hope for healing and recovery available through eating disorder therapy with a specialized eating disorder therapist in Pennsylvania.

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Reclaim You- Strategies to Reclaim You From Diet Culture
Reclaim You Channel Sarah Herstich Reclaim You Channel Sarah Herstich

Reclaim You- Strategies to Reclaim You From Diet Culture

Season 1: Episode 4

Welcome back to the Reclaim You podcast with Reclaim Therapy!

We hope this is an unfiltered and uplifting episode that empowers you to rise above the suffocating grip of diet culture. We've been diving deep into the covert ways diet culture infiltrates our lives, but now it's time to ignite the flame of hope inside of you. In this episode, Sarah, alongside Reclaim Therapist, Emily Cinque, lead the charge in reclaiming your life from the clutches of diet culture.

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Perfectionism and Eating Disorders: A Complex Battle
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Perfectionism and Eating Disorders: A Complex Battle

For many, the pursuit of perfection has become so routine, that it can be hard to recognize when you’re engaging in perfectionist tendencies and how much it impacts your sense of self and sense of belonging and enoughness in the world. 

Whether it’s striving for the thin-ideal, grinding and pushing for achieving or recognition, or pushing to have seemingly unmatched self-control, the pressure to meet society’s, and at times family of origin’s, high standards take a toll and can be overwhelming. 

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Reclaim You- The Sneaky and Disconnecting Ways of Diet Culture
Reclaim You Channel Sarah Herstich Reclaim You Channel Sarah Herstich

Reclaim You- The Sneaky and Disconnecting Ways of Diet Culture

Season 1: Episode 3

Join us for another episode of the Reclaim You podcast! Today Sarah and Laura delve into the insidious and disconnecting ways in which diet culture infiltrates our lives. Laura guides us through an illuminating discussion on the impact of diet culture on our well-being and how we can start reclaim and turn toward ourselves, while turning away from diet culture.

To kickstart the episode, Laura shares her personal understanding of the phrase "Reclaim You" and its profound significance both in her own life and in her work with clients.

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Trauma Informed Therapy in Pennsylvania
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Trauma Informed Therapy in Pennsylvania

Here at Reclaim Therapy, we are a group of eating disorder therapists and trauma specialists in Pennsylvania. As a trauma informed therapy practice, we understand how trauma has an ongoing and living impact on the mental, physical, relational, social, spiritual and emotional realms of the human experience.

We meet our clients with acceptance, curiosity, compassion and a genuine interest in them, and what they have experienced, as humans in the world.

We believe that it is a right for all people to resolve and heal from trauma they have experienced.

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Reclaim You- The Impact of Diet Culture
Reclaim You Channel Sarah Herstich Reclaim You Channel Sarah Herstich

Reclaim You- The Impact of Diet Culture

Season 1: Episode 2

On this episode of Reclaim You, eating disorder and body image specialist, Abby Albright, joins Sarah to chat about the impact that diet culture has on our sense of self, body image, how we view health and wellness and how we are able to connect and care for ourselves.

Abby kicks off the show talking about what Reclaim You means to her and what it means in her work with clients. From there, the conversation turns to an exploration of the impact of diet culture on all of us, with Abby sharing what stands out to her the most.

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What is Complex Trauma? (CPTSD) A Therapist Explains
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

What is Complex Trauma? (CPTSD) A Therapist Explains

Two distinct components of CPTSD are:

  1. Childhood attachment failure, even in the absence of other forms of mistreatment

  2. Ongoing relational maltreatment like neglect, verbal, emotional, sexual or physical abuse. 

Outside of childhood experiences, CPTSD is also seen as a result of imprisonment, sex trafficking, torture or being exposed to long term conflict.

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Reclaim You- Dieting and Diet Culture's Origins
Reclaim You Channel Sarah Herstich Reclaim You Channel Sarah Herstich

Reclaim You- Dieting and Diet Culture's Origins

Season 1: Episode 1

Casey explains how diet culture has permeated our society and become a pervasive and harmful force that perpetuates negative and stigmatizing views of bodies outside of the thin ideal. For those who have experienced trauma or disordered eating, understanding and divesting from diet culture is a critical part of healing. Sarah and Casey explain why this is an important concept for anyone working to reclaim themselves after being inundated with diet culture's beliefs since a young age.

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Adverse Childhood Events : Childhood Trauma Test Included
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Adverse Childhood Events : Childhood Trauma Test Included

According to the CDC, close to 60% of adults in the United States have experienced at least one ACE, and nearly 1 in 6 adults has experienced 4 or more. The effects of ACEs are not limited to living through trauma in childhood, but often last into adulthood. Studies show that experiencing ACEs impacts a person’s physical and mental health, behavior, and social functioning.

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Size Inclusivity: More Than a Number
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Size Inclusivity: More Than a Number

Recently, I attended a trunk show for a well-known clothing brand that specializes in inclusive sizing.

I was excited to get to know the brand better and looked forward to supporting their efforts. I invited along a friend, and we headed into Philly for a session with our very own stylist…or so we thought.

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Self Compassion Assessment
Blog Sarah Herstich Blog Sarah Herstich

Self Compassion Assessment

In this blog we talk about why self-compassion is so important in eating disorder recovery and recovery from trauma. We have included a self-compassion assessment developed by researcher Kristin Neff and a scoring guide to guage how self-compassionate you are. This isn’t meant for you to judge yourself, but instead an invitation into developing into the skill of self-compassion.

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