What is Atypical Anorexia Nervosa? Signs, Symptoms, Support
Eating disorders can manifest in a number of ways.
In last week’s podcast episode, Medical Care and Eating Disorder Recovery, Sarah and anti-diet dietitian, Rachel Shifflet spoke about atypical anorexia. As Rachel put it, “...it’s anorexia with a side of weight stigma”

An Eating Disorder Therapist Shares Perfectionism’s Desire for a Clean Slate
The new year has always been my favorite holiday. In some ways it continues to be, but for much different reasons than in the past.
Now, I find comfort in the idea that the new year brings a calm time after the busy holiday season.

Reclaiming Movement in Eating Disorder Recovery
Through the process of recovering from an eating disorder or compulsive exercise, we learn to reconnect with the depths of our human emotional experience without fear that once led to symptom use. We see food no longer as the enemy, but as a source of nourishment and enjoyment.