Men need treatment for eating disorders, too.

For years eating disorder treatment has been focused on women and teens.

This has resulted in men being under-diagnosed and under-treated.

And, it has increased a sense of shame for men who have had experiences with, or who are experiencing, disordered eating and body shame.

We want you to know that there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Your struggle and your pain is valid.

And, you deserve support.

Eating Disorder Treatment for Men


Man looking in the distance.  If you’re struggling with your relationship with food, ital overwhelm may be time to speak with an eating disorder therapist who understands. The symptoms you experience can be isolating, but with eating disorder t…

Approximately 1 in 4 people who are diagnosed with an eating disorder identify as male.

Yet, only 1 in 10 men who are suffering will seek treatment.

So many men are suffering in silence.

If you’re here, you know how consuming thoughts and behaviors around food and body can be.

The quest for leanness. The desire for muscularity. The grind to prove masculinity. The sense of failure after chasing and grasping for these things for so long.

Looping thoughts and consuming cycles of behaviors.

So much so that you’re missing out on your life.

We want you to know that we respect how hard it is for you to be here…

To be searching the internet for eating disorder treatment in Pennsylvania.

And, we also know that continuing to suffer, continuing to allow your eating disorder to consume your thoughts and dictate your behaviors is even harder.

You deserve to reclaim your self-worth from the way your body appears to the world. To understand what masculinity means, or doesn’t mean, to you- outside of the cultural narrative. To heal from T(t)rauma’s that have disconnected you from yourself and your inherent value as a human in this world.

You deserve to know what it’s like to deeply feel.

You deserve To be seen- Without shame. Without judgement.

Eating Disorder Symptoms in Men

Eating disorders are serious mental and physical illnesses. Eating disorders are treatable illnesses, but many times go unrecognized for long periods of time. Some common symptoms that men struggling with an eating disorder, or disordered eating, experience include:

  • A preoccupation with body size and food, including calories, and macronutrients

  • Rigid food rules and rituals around meal times and food

  • Frequent body checking including weighing, use of mirrors and physical body checks

  • Withdrawal from social interactions and activities due to preoccupation with body, food and/or movement

  • Compensation for calories consumed

  • Cutting out entire food groups

  • Gastrointestinal complaints including constipation, upset stomach and reflux

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Increased suicidal ideation

  • Muscle dysmorphia

  • Engaging in cheat days

  • The use of steroids to change appearance

  • Dry skin, damaged nails and hair

  • Hair loss

  • Feeling cold

  • Dizziness upon standing or changing positions

  • Problems going to sleep or staying asleep

  • Abnormalities in blood work

  • Irregular heartbeat

  • Impaired immune system

  • Mood dysregulation

  • Impaired bone density

  • Low sex drive

At Reclaim Therapy in Horsham, PA we work with men suffering from trauma, Binge Eating Disorder, Anorexia, Bulimia, Orthorexia and Compulsive Exercise.

We provide specialized eating disorder treatment in Pennsylvania for men who are ready to heal their relationship with their bodies and food. To make therapy more accessible, we not only provide in person therapy at our Horsham, PA office, but we also provide online therapy in Pennsylvania to all Pennsylvania residents.

Our Eating Disorder Therapists Provide Trauma-Informed Approaches to Eating Disorders

Online therapy in Pennsylvania modalities we use:

Get started with Eating Disorder Treatment for Men in Pennsylvania

Counseling can help you stop feeling like you’re powerless against your eating disorder. Our eating disorder therapists in Pennsylvania specialize in treating eating disorders and are prepared to help you reclaim your peace around your emotions, food, and your body.

To get started, follow these steps:

step 1

Contact Reclaim Therapy for a free consultation call

step 2

Meet with one of our Eating Disorder Therapists in PA! Together you’ll tackle your relationship with food and your body.

step 3

Find freedom from your eating disorder! Unapologetically caring for your mind and your body.




Laptop on wooden desk with coffee cup near by. Therapy isn’t always easy to get to, but with online therapy, you can help from an eating disorder therapist. Start online eating disorder treatment in Pennsylvania today and move forward.




Lounge with bookshelf, table, and gray couch in our Horsham, PA counseling office. Whether in person or via online therapy we can help you. Look for an eating disorder therapist near me to find a skilled counselor to work with in our practice. Get r…
The team of therapists at Reclaim Therapy. We provide specialized therapy for people struggling with eating disorders, trauma and body image.

At Reclaim Therapy in Horsham, PA we specialize in providing therapy to help people reclaim their lives from eating disorders and body-loathing.

We want to help you see and believe that you can live a full life and overcome anorexia, binge eating disorder, bulimia, and/or orthorexia.

Together we'll find the tools to help you overcome urges to engage in disordered eating, learn to express and be with your emotions in ways that serve you, and start seeing and believing that you are so much more than your eating disorder.

Looking for a different kind of therapy in Pennsylvania?

At Reclaim Therapy we provide specialized support for men struggling with body image concerns, binge eating therapy, and who are looking for trauma treatment in Pennsylvania. All of our services are offered via online therapy in Pennsylvania, so you can get therapy support wherever you are in the state.

We would love to help you Reclaim YOU from your eating disorder

Schedule your free 15 minute consultation today!

Fill out our contact form and Sarah will be sure to get back to you within 24 hours.

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