Comorbidities Associated with Eating Disorders
Reclaim You- Let’s Talk Weddings… And All That Can Come With Them
Season 1: Episode 49
In this conversation, Sarah and Laura talk about weddings, planning and how to care for yourself through the many challenges.
ACA Laundry List Through the Lens of a Trauma Therapist
Here at Reclaim Therapy we view trauma symptoms as adaptive strategies that were once necessary for survival.
The strategies that were most helpful are the ones that often stick with us and show up in the present.
Eating Disorder Signs and Symptoms
Reclaim You- More About Shame and Shame Resiliency
Season 1: Episode 48
In this conversation, Sarah and Casey are diving back into the topics of shame and shame resiliency.
What Can Cause Eating Disorders?
Eating disorders are more than just a struggle with food—they're complex conditions deeply intertwined with our emotional and psychological well-being.
Navigating Urges to Restrict in Eating Disorder Recovery
Navigating urges to restrict can be one of the most challenging aspects of eating disorder recovery.
As eating disorder therapists, we 💯 get it.
Reclaim You- How to Cope with Health Anxiety
Season 1: Episode 47
In this conversation, Sarah and Emily discuss health anxiety and how it can manifest in individuals.
What Causes Perfectionism?
Perfectionism, while not always stemming from trauma, involves a persistent state of stress and heightened alertness that can dysregulate the nervous system in a way similar to traumatic stress.
How Influencers Affect Body Image
Social media influencers have emerged as influential figures in modern society, wielding considerable sway over their vast audiences. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube have provided these individuals with unprecedented reach. This allows them to shape trends and societal perceptions, particularly concerning body image and eating disorders.
Reclaim You- Exploring Trauma and Adult Children of Alcoholics
Season 1: Episode 46
In this conversation, Sarah and Abby discuss the experiences of adult children of alcoholics (ACOA) and the impact of childhood trauma.
Can TikTok Trigger an Eating Disorder For My Kids?
In today's digital landscape, platforms like TikTok have become a pervasive part of young people's lives, offering a blend of entertainment, creativity, and social interaction. Yet, alongside its benefits, concerns have emerged about how these platforms impact children and adolescents, particularly in terms of body image and eating behaviors. As parents, it's crucial to grasp the influence of social media on our children's mental health.
Reclaim You- Control in Eating Disorder Recovery
Season 1: Episode 45
In this conversation, Sarah and Laura discuss the link between eating disorders and control. They explore how control can be a response to feeling out of control in other areas of life and how trauma can contribute to disordered eating behaviors.
Do I Have Trauma as an Adult Child of an Alcoholic?
Growing up with a caregiver who abuses substances is traumatizing for many.
It’s important to note that two individuals who experience the same trauma may be impacted very differently depending on many different factors.
Individuals in this population may identify as Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACoA’s or ACA’s).
What are the Negative Effects of Social Media on Body Image?
In today's digital age, social media has become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives. From scrolling through Instagram feeds to watching TikTok videos, we're constantly bombarded with images and messages that shape our perceptions. While social media can be a source of inspiration and connection, it can also have a darker side, especially when it comes to body image and eating disorders.
Reclaim You- Shame: What It Is and Where It Comes From
Season 1: Episode 44
In this episode, Sarah and Casey discuss the topic of shame.
They explore the definition of shame and differentiate it from guilt
What Happens When PTSD is Triggered?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that can develop in individuals who have experienced or observed a distressing incident, sequence of incidents, or specific situations.
Trauma is anything that is too much too soon, too much for too long or too little for too long.
How Does Social Media Influence Our Eating Habits?
Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It’s where we connect with friends and family, share moments and memories, and stay updated on current events. However, social media also plays a major role in influencing our eating habits
Reclaim You- Stepping Off The Spiral Staircase
Season 1: Episode 43
In today's episode, Sarah and our special guest Rachael McLaughlin discuss the journey of reclaiming oneself throughout different seasons of life.
Navigating Body Shame Triggers
Body shame triggers are absolutely everywhere.
Diet culture is real. Anti-fat bias is real.
Wherever we turn, it’s likely that we are going to bump into something, someone, or some place that triggers our body shame.