The Upside of Emotional Eating
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

The Upside of Emotional Eating

In the moment, it's much easier to numb yourself with food than to work through what’s actually going on inside your head. 

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The Single Woman's Series
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

The Single Woman's Series

A series of articles for single woman looking to become the best versions of themselves as they journey to heal their hearts and find the love they've been searching for.

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Ask Yourself... Are You Ready?
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

Ask Yourself... Are You Ready?

Food Freedom Series Day 7

Have you tried the exercises we've been talking about for the past week? 

Are you ready to try something new?

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Food is Just Food
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

Food is Just Food

Food Freedom Series Day 6

Something new to consider:

It's just food

Today we're talking about how to lose the good vs. bad judgement you have about certain foods.

Here we go!

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Look in The Mirror
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

Look in The Mirror

Food Freedom Series Day 4

"Self love depressed becomes self-loathing"

In today's exercise we're talking body image. Why? Because the way you see your body is the reason why you continue to find yourself in the dieting trap.

Ready? Let's rock and roll!

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Honing In On Your Self-Talk
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

Honing In On Your Self-Talk

Food Freedom Series Day 3

How do you talk to yourself in tough moments?

Our brains are wired to point out and perseverate on the negative. It's human nature.

Luckily, you're not here to give into human nature! Let's start rewiring things!

Today we're working to shift and reframe the way you speak to yourself when you have tough moments with food. 

Here we go!

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Discover What's Driving The Urge
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

Discover What's Driving The Urge

Food Freedom Series Day 2

Today we'll get curious about why you're reaching for food by honing in on how your body feels, and what types of emotions you are experiencing. 

We'll also cover the 5 S's of eating.

Let's get to it!

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Let's Get Intuitive
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

Let's Get Intuitive

Welcome to Day 1 of the Food Freedom Series.

Everyday for the next 7 days we're talking how to get mindful and intentional about the way you approach your relationship with food. My goal is to help you kick the dread of weight gain and food restriction over the holidays to the curb. You'll be given tools to slowing down, tune in and give your body what it is asking for.

Can you imagine? No major swings in weight? No logging extra hours on the treadmill to make up for the extra slices of pie? 

It's possible. Are you ready?

Let's dive in!

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Chronic Dieters "R" Us
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

Chronic Dieters "R" Us

Take a minute and think of a handful of diet’s that you’ve heard of.

I know. It's not that tough.

Now, think of all of the diets that you’ve been on.

I can account for a few myself; weight watchers, Nutrisystem, Jillian Michaels, IIFYM.

I'm admittedly a recovering chronic dieter. When I was really consumed with dieting, I constantly fell off the wagon, but when I hopped back on, I was all in. At least until the next weekend came around. Check out more of that story here.

What about you? Do you have a history of chronic dieting? Here are some points to consider.

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Feeling the Feelings
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

Feeling the Feelings

There I sat. Holding the hand of a man who had lost so much in the past handful of months.

Both of his legs

His career

His ability to care for himself

His identity as a man; as a provider for his family

He told me his story, openly and honestly. He told me what he longs for, his deepest regrets and his fear of what his future holds.

Then, we sat in silence. We sat with intention; holding space for these losses, for his pain, to be there, just as they were. Raw. Unedited

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Self Discovery
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

Self Discovery

You've been trying so hard to discover exactly who you are and what you want out of life. You've established your 5 year plan and have launched, and re-launched, the plan to help you get to where you want to go. Surely, that will help you discover and embrace what makes you, well... you. As you travel down this bumpy road, you often wonder how you got here... is this what you really want? You have a nagging feeling that you aren't showing the world the person that you really are. You aren't sure that you know exactly who you are.

So, you do more. You fill your days with action, doing everything in your power to live up to your expectations of yourself and what you assume are society's expectations. You're starting to feel a bit like a hamster on a wheel, running as fast as you can, but never arriving at your destination.

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Is This Really Adulting? The Struggle is Real.
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

Is This Really Adulting? The Struggle is Real.

You’ve been told, “the sky is the limit.” “The world is your oyster!” “There’s an opportunity at every corner!”

Wait…. Which corner? ….An oyster?

Who came up with this stuff, anyway?

As a 20-something you’ve launched into adulthood. When you were younger you dreamed of the time that you’d be in charge of your own life; no one to answer to but yourself. You'd decide where you work, how you'd spend your time and money and how often you'd clean your bathroom and wash your sheets.

Now that you’ve arrived, things are feeling a bit weird.

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The Roadmap To Your Goals
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

The Roadmap To Your Goals

It’s 5:50am and my alarm goes off. I reach over and hit snooze, silencing the alarm and allowing myself to fall back into silence. But, what I don’t do, is actually snooze. Each day, I wake up at the same time, hit the same snooze button, and use those 5 extra minutes to set my intentions for the day. Take a minute to think about your dreams… your goals… your vision for life.

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Ways to Support a Grieving Friend
Sarah Herstich Sarah Herstich

Ways to Support a Grieving Friend

When people that we care about are hurting, it can be hard to find words to offer comfort and support. Instead of turning away out of our own discomfort, I suggest remaining present and turning toward those who are in the throes of their grief journey.

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