3 Signs That You're Struggling With Body Image

Black and white women of various body sizes. We all have a body image, but some of us are struggling with body image issues. If you're unsure what to do, try mind-body therapy in Pennsylvania for support. Call now for online therapy or online coachin

If you have a body, you have a body image.

In a very direct way, body image refers to the relationship you have with your body. And for most people, that relationship can be pretty complicated. 

your relationship with your body includes thoughts, perceptions, sensations, feelings, how you care for it, and your experience living in it on the day today. 

Unfortunately, negative body image issues, or struggling with body image, have been so normalized. Essentially, in our culture, people believe there’s really no other way. Or, that to improve body image, the only way to do so is to engage in dieting behaviors. We do this to change the shape or size of the body (what most presume will improve the ‘body image’ of what they see).

and at the end of the day, those dieting behaviors typically result in weight cycling, binge eating, and/hypervigilance around food and body.

There are a few nuanced signs to pay attention to that can indicate struggling with body image. Let’s dig in.

1. When struggling with your body image there are strong criticisms, shoulds, and comparisons.

Comparisons to previous versions of your body, to your friends, mom, sister, neighbor, or even that person walking down the street.  

Mirror on floor with succulents. Needing support when you're struggling with body image issues in Pennsylvania. Find a body image therapist near me and start your journey to recovery.

Most folks can identify with a harsh inner voice that feels almost automatic when they look in the mirror or pass by reflective surfaces. At times the voice can get so loud that people avoid looking toward reflective surfaces OR they become obsessed with checking, poking, looking at every opportunity they have. 

Have you ever walked into a room and rated your body based on the other people there? Or held on to the belief that to be accepted, worthy, good, your body needs to change?

This is what I’m talking about. These are signs that you’re struggling with body image, because of how we’ve been conditioned, feel “normal”. But they’re signs that your body image is suffering.

2. Disconnection from the body is a sign you’re struggling with body image

Sure, you live in your body and it carries you through the world. But, how connected are you to it? Do you know and understand its nuanced signs, signals, messages, and states of being? Feeling negative and, oftentimes, shameful, about your body can be so overwhelming that many folks disconnect from it. 

Think of it this way… if you hate something so much, why would you be connected to it? Listen to it? Respect it? Honor it?

why do clients end up starting body image therapy in pennsylvania?

Many of our online therapy clients can relate to the feeling of being floating heads. With a metaphorical block between their neck and their body. 

Part of healing body image issues and body shame is finding safe ways to reconnect and get to know the landscape of what it’s like to live in your body, instead of only looking at your body.

Woman looking out window. Need support? Find a body image therapist near me. You can talk about how you're struggling with body image in Pennsylvania in a safe space. Call now and begin mind-body therapy today!

3. Skipping or saying “no” to plans and increased social isolation 

Feeling shameful about being seen (or living in) in your body can result in skipping plans, saying “no” to new adventures or activities, and isolating yourself from friends and loved ones. This isolation can deepen symptoms of depression and anxiety, along with self-beliefs around worthiness of being seen and experiencing joy and pleasure in your body. 

So, why is looking for signs you’re struggling with body image in Pennsylvania important?

because your relationship with your body is one of the most important relationships of your life.

And, because body image issues often lead to a disordered relationship with food. 

At Reclaim Therapy, many of our clients struggling with eating disorders, binge eating disorder, and chronic dieting, can easily cite the first time they felt like their body was wrong or bad. 

This belief is often one of the roots of negative body image and can spur early dieting behaviors, disconnection from the body, and a lifelong struggle with food. 

if you’re struggling with body image, be sure to check out our recent blog providing 10 tips to cope with bad body days.

Headshots of reclaim therapy therapists. Find a body image therapist near me and begin overcoming your struggle with body image issues. Call now and see if body image therapy or body image coaching is right for you!

Ready to begin body image therapy in Pennsylvania?

Here at Reclaim Therapy in Pennsylvania, we specialize in treating body image from a trauma-informed lens. We’re passionate about helping people reconnect and care for their bodies in a way that’s respectful, health-promoting, and maintainable. 

If you’re ready to do some healing work around your body image, reach out and speak with our skilled body image therapists. We’re here to support you.


Reclaim team signature. When you're looking for support, our online therapists are here to help. Find a body image therapist near me and begin mind-body therapy in a safe space today. Call now for online therapy support!

We’re a group of therapists who provide online therapy in Pennsylvania for disordered eating, body image, and trauma.

If you’re looking for PTSD treatment and trauma therapy in Pennsylvania, binge eating therapy, body image therapy, grief counseling, or eating disorder treatment in Pennsylvania, we would be honored to support you via online therapy. We believe that all bodies, your body, deserve freedom from body shame and obsession with food.


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