Online Group Coaching in Pennsylvania for Body Image and Binge Eating

The Dieter’s Rebellion

a 13 week online group for women who struggle with binge eating and body image.

Because you haven't failed at dieting...

Dieting has failed you!

The next round will start February 23 at 4:30. Group will run every Thursday at 4:30 for 13 weeks.

Group of women smiling and laughing. When you’re looking for help, sometimes working with an online coach in online group coaching in Pennsylvania. We offer binge eating groups focused on emotional eating and body image coaching for groups. Learn ho…

You've tried the diets.

All. The. Diets.

They lure you in with a promise of glory once you FINALLY drop the weight.

And you feel pretty damn good for a little while.

Until everything seems to come crashing down around you.

From the cabinets. And the fridge. And yes, the drive-thru group.

Leaving you right back where you started.

Beating yourself up and gearing up for your next diet.

Paleo diet spelled out with red X on it. Having support from women who are dealing with body image issues and eating matters. That is why reclaim therapy offers online group coaching in Pennsylvania.

Your inner shit-talker is relentless

Its voice is so ingrained in your head that you barely recognize how harsh and annoying it really is...

I know you're over believing it and spiraling headfirst into your next whole30

Online Group Coaching Can Help!

You don't have to continue believing that critical voice inside your head.

Or the constant messaging from our culture that dieting is the way out.

Because continuing along the path of yo-yo dieting and obsession with weight will only set you up for more hurt, more episodes of binge/emotional eating and more smack talk about your appearance and worth from your inner critic.

You don't need to revolve your life and your energy around what you can, can't, should, and shouldn't eat. 

Just as importantly, you don't have to continue placing your worth on the way your body shows up to the world.


Are you ready to start believing it, too?

Welcome to the Dieter's rebellion Online Coaching Group!

This is a 13-week online coaching group for women who want to find their way out of the binge-restrict cycle and are ready to learn how to find a sense of peace and trust with their bodies.

This group is designed to help you gain the initial tools you need to slow binge eating and body hate so that you can start spending your energy on the things that will feed you to live your best life. 

I know you want to find freedom from food obsession.

You're sick of trying every diet under the sun.

You want to figure out how to trust the one body you were given.

And, you desperately want to stop feeling so damn crazy around food.

Join Our Online Coaching Group!

Week by week we'll dismantle the parts of our dieting-obsessed culture that have led you to this point.

We'll take a long hard look at how you see and interact with your body and you'll be provided with the tools you need to start eating intuitively, in a way that will serve you for the rest of your life.  

This online coaching group will give you the tools to understand where your binges are coming from, why they happen, and how to reclaim your power when faced with them.

Every week we’ll meet as a group and you’ll have access to worksheets, exercises and journaling prompts to help you establish a body trust practice.

Group members will be a part of a private group in our Reclaim Community to support one another, process new information, and have accountability every step of the way.

Throughout the week you'll have access to me and the group to discuss challenges and to get support in real-time. 

You'll be challenged, heard, and most importantly, supported as you identify and overcome barriers to achieve genuine self-compassion and freedom from guilt, shame and diet culture. 

Want to know the best part?

You'll finally see that you aren't the only one. And, you’ll be surrounded by like-minded, beautifully badass women who are just as tired of the dieting game as you are.

I call this the Dieter's Rebellion Online Coaching Group because you've tried the diets, lost and regained the weight, and you're tired. 

Tired of the feeling like you've failed.

When in fact...

You’ve been set up by an 80 billion dollar per year industry.

The dieting industry.

By seeing this for what it is, you have the chance to survive.

Now, let's buck the system that got you here so you can really thrive. 

Click below to learn a bit about the why and the science behind The Dieter’s Rebellion online coaching group

  • Dieting is the greatest predictor of developing an eating disorder.

    Our culture has normalized disordered eating to the point that being “on” or “off” “good” or “bad” with food, can feel like the only way.

    95% of people who experience weight loss by dieting will regain the weight lost within 2 years.

    Dieting is associated with an increased preoccupation with food, binge eating, and eating in the absence of hunger.

    The beauty and dieting industry is an 80 billion dollar industry that continues to profit off of people’s pain and distress by hooking them into the next fad and fix.

    Body image issues have been shown to start as early as 1st grade. With over half of 1st-grade girls wanting to be thinner.

  • Studies continue to show that intuitive eaters have higher body appreciation and significantly lower investment in self-worth based on appearance and other people’s approval. An intuitive eating coach can help you put this in perspective.

    Additional studies show that intuitive eating is consistently associated with positive physical health and mental health outcomes.

    Health at Every Size® interventions focus on shifting toward health promoting behavioral changes, while emphasizing self-acceptance and well-being through empowerment and an embodied, intuitive approach.

    Studies show that HAES® interventions show effectiveness in improving eating patterns and mental health in women struggling with body image and disordered eating.

All of this to reinforce that you are not the problem.

You have never been the problem.

Dieting is the problem.

Our online group coaching for binge eating and body image can help you reclaim trust in your mind body and food.

As an intuitive eating counselor and a Body Trust Provider I developed the Dieter’s Rebellion Coaching Group because I believe that radical healing can happen when we give ourselves permission to step away from diet culture’s *oh so predictable* bullshit and invest in coming home to ourselves.

If you’re here, I trust that you’re looking for a new way of being and feeling around food and in your body.

One that isn’t steeped in shame, should’s, self-abuse, or disconnection from yourself.

My hope is that this group will help facilitate a shift back to your felt experience in your body and around food, so you can begin to make changes in your behaviors that support the way you want to feel in your life- instead of the way that our culture wants you to look in your life.

this is counter-cultural work ya’ll.

it’s brave work. it’s hard work.

but, i’ve gotta tell you…it’s freeing work.

Sarah H. an online coach and online therapist in Pennsylvania. Ready to take that next step and begin online group coaching with me? I am here as your guide. Begin online binge eating coaching near me “Pittsburg 15201” or intuitive eating group near…

I'm a body image and eating disorder coach and online therapist.

So many women tell me that they feel like they're the only ones struggling with painful binges and intense body hate.

This is exactly why I created the Dieter's Rebellion Coaching Group.

Groups connect us, allow us to find our voice, tell our stories and receive the support we've been searching for.

The Dieter’s Rebellion will do just that. I hope you’ll consider joining us!

Have questions? Shoot me an email here.

Want more details?

Here you go!

+ How do I know if online group coaching is a good fit for me?

  • You're willing to acknowledge the harm that dieting cycles have played in your life
  • Perhaps you're willing to put weight loss on the backburner and prioritize normalizing your relationship with food
  • You're not actively struggling with a clinical eating disorder
  • Or, you're open to learning more about fat-positivity, health at every size and the politics of body oppression
  • You've looking into intuitve eating coaching, but 1 on 1 work doesn't feel just right
  • Maybe, you are comfortable getting a bit vulnerable in a group setting
  • You can committ to actively engaging in the material and group sessions for the full 13 weeks

+ When does online group coaching meet?

Group will begin February 23 at 4:30. Group will run every Thursday evening at 4:30 for 13 weeks.

Groups will be facilitated through weekly group meetings, worksheets and journaling prompts.

You'll have access to a private community where you'll have access to ongoing support and connection while you're participating in the group!

+ How many people will be in online group coaching?

This group is capped at 8 participants.

+ Will sessions be confidential?

Absolutely. All members of group will sign a contract agreeing to uphold confidentiality at all times.

+ How much does it cost?

Group costs $50 per session, or $650 for the 13 weeks.

+ When is payment due?

Payment is due the day of each group session each week, $50 per week.

You can also opt to pay $650 in full before we get started.

+ What type of payment do you accept?

I accept cash, check, Venmo, debit, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express

+ What if I need more support?

I provide psychotherapy and online coaching for individuals. If you feel you are in need of additional, individualized support, we can supplement your group sessions with individual sessions.

Join The Reclaim You Newsletter

Sign up for weekly(ish) insights, stories tips and tools to support you in Reclaiming YOU in the wake of trauma, disordered eating and body-shame